Come Holy Spirit! Guide our steps, DEEPEN our ROOTS!

As always, I would like to begin this post by asking you, the reader, to join me in prayer as we make the Sign of the Cross and take a moment to breathe deeply…. God, our creator, we humbly thank You for all that we are given and called to. Please send down Your Spirit to strengthen and guide us. Especially during these challenging and uncertain times, help us to accompany the youth you have put in our care so that they may deepen their roots in You, our Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen.
The Second Vatican Council's Dogmatic Constitution on the Church states "The family, is so to speak, the domestic church." (Lumen Gentium #11) This blog post series is meant to assist in cultivating your Domestic Church and provide a platform for sharing ideas and experiences. So, let's get down to cultivating!
We’re here in Holy Week and my heart is broken that we won’t be experiencing this directly with our community. Our parish does a wonderful kid-friendly Stations of the Cross each year during Lent and it has been a really great way to strengthen our understanding of Christ’s Passion together as a family. That wasn’t able to happen this year due to Covid-19, so I wanted a concrete way of praying the Way of the Cross with my littles at home.

We’ve been talking a lot about our home and our family being a church and we’ve also been trying to spend as much time outside as possible. One morning I realized that our small, fenced-in backyard is the perfect place for us to experience this prayer! So I got to work chalking on the fence. While creating the various Stations, my four year old was playing and drawing under my drawings. He told me that he was writing letters and making pictures for God. It was a beautiful thing to witness. As he wrote, he was praying aloud and saying things like “I just love you so much God” “These fish I drew are for you and this boat is because I know you like boats” “I want you to be safe”. I just love the innocence he brings to his strong faith and I feel blessed to accompany him on his faith journey.
Here is the prayer service I have written for my family. Use what feels right for your kiddos.
Opening Prayer
All: Sign of the Cross
Leader: Jesus, during this prayer, we remember your death in a special way. Please help us to keep our focus on you.
All: Amen
Station 1: Jesus is condemned to death
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Jesus, you are so wonderful. You spent your time on Earth helping other people and doing good things. Even though you did not do anything wrong, they decided to kill you.
Reflection: When do we feel that things are unfair? How do we act when we don’t feel we are being treated fairly? Do we treat other people fairly?
Station 2: Jesus takes up His cross
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Jesus, you carried that heavy cross even when you knew they would hurt you and you would have to die for us.
Reflection: How do we act when we are asked to do something for others? Are we willing to help even when it is inconvenient?
Station 3: Jesus falls the first time
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Jesus, the cross was so heavy and your body was so worn out. You fell to the ground and I’m sure that hurt.
Reflection: What is hard for us? How do we feel when things are too heavy?
Station 4: Jesus meets His mother
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Jesus, when you saw your mom, you could see that she shared in your pain. She loved you so much and her heart was broken for you.
Reflection: Who do we turn to when we are having a hard time? Are we there for others when they are having a hard time?
Station 5: Simon helps Jesus carry the cross
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Simon was there to carry the cross a little way for you. He must have felt scared. I’m glad you had someone there to help.
Reflection: Do we do hard things to help others?
Station 6: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Veronica was there to help you the only way she could. She wiped the sweat and blood off your face and showed you care.
Reflection: How do we feel when other people show us care?
Station 7: Jesus falls the second time
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Jesus, you fall again. Even while you are on the ground, they yell at you.
Reflection: Are we ever mean to people even when they are struggling?
Station 8: Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Jesus, when you see the women who are feeling sad, you stop to help them, even though you are struggling so much.
Reflection: Do we put other people’s needs in front of our own? Are we generous with our things and our time?
Station 9: Jesus falls the third time
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Even after falling three times, you still keep getting back up.
Reflection: Do we avoid giving up? When we fail, do we keep trying?
Station 10: Jesus is stripped of His clothing
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Jesus, they took everything away from you and said mean things to you.
Reflection: How do we feel when other people say mean things to us or take things away from us? Do we take things from other people? Do we say mean things to people?
Station 11: Jesus is nailed to the cross
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: They put sharp nails through your body to put you on the cross. You are hurting and you are alone.
Reflection: Do we ever feel alone when we are hurting?
Station 12: Jesus dies on the cross
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Jesus, even when you were dying, you forgave the people who hurt you and prayed for your family and friends.
Reflection: How do we feel when people forgive and pray for us? Do we forgive others? Do we pray for others?
Station 13: Jesus is taken down from the cross
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: When your body is taken down from the cross and laid on your mother’s lap, it is finally cared for with respect.
Reflection: Do we treat other people’s bodies with respect?
Station 14: Jesus is buried in the tomb
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Jesus, your body is put in a tomb and covered with a heavy stone. So many people are sad that you are gone.
Reflection: When do we feel sad? What have we lost in our lives?
Closing Prayer
Leader: Jesus, thank you for loving us and saving us, even when it meant you needed to suffer. Help us to remember to follow your teachings and show this great love to others.
All: Sign of the Cross
***Station 15: The Resurrection (Jesus rises from the dead)***
***We won’t be doing this one until Easter morning, so there is no drawing yet.***
Leader: We love you Jesus
All: Because you saved us
Leader: Jesus, you rose from the dead. You have saved us all and are still with us today. We know that you are also with our family and friends who have died and are in Heaven.
Reflection: Have we had things that seemed bad, but turned around to be good? Where do we find hope? What helps us to feel loved?

There are so many wonderful resources for Stations of the Cross with children. Many can be purchased and are well worth their cost; but it’s go time, we’re already in Holy Week and shipping has been slowed down. There are also many great resources available online, you can find reflections, coloring pages, and many formats for praying the Way of the Cross. Get creative when setting up your Stations in or around your home. If your children are older, you can have them create the Stations by chalk, drawing, painting, clay, or even acting them out. You could even print photos from the internet and hang them around your living or dining room if pressed for time. Be creative! How do you plan to pray the Way of the Cross with your children this Holy Week?
Until next time, may the peace of Christ be with you and those you accompany in His name! Please pray for me. I will pray for all of you!
With all my love and respect,
Angela V Davis
Deepening Roots Ministry Services